AbstractBuildingRule - Class in smithers.cards
Simplifies the definition of a BuildingRule be redefining in terms of a different collection of methods.
AbstractBuildingRule() - Constructor for class smithers.cards.AbstractBuildingRule
AbstractPuzzleSolver<P extends Puzzle,Q extends PuzzleState<P>> - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Class to aid implementations of PuzzleSolver.
AbstractPuzzleSolver(P) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Creates a new solver for the specified puzzle.
AbstractPuzzleSolver(Q) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Creates a new solver to work from the specified state.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberStringTest
add(Drawable3D) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
add(float[]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Adds a new point to the end of the array of vertices.
add(SVGElement) - Method in class smithers.svg.SVG
Adds a new element to this SVG image.
addCard(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Adds a card to the top of the stack.
addCell(String) - Method in class smithers.files.CSVWriter
Adds a cell to the current row.
addClue(boolean, int, int[]) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Adds a clue to a black and white puzzle.
addClue(boolean, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Adds a clue to a colour puzzle.
addMouesWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Registers the specified listener to receive mouse wheel events from this component.
addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Registers the specified listener to receive mouse events from this component.
addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Registers the specified listener to receive mouse motion events from this component.
advanceAnimation(double) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.AnimatedTwistyPuzzle
Advances the animation by a certain amount of time.
advanceAnimation(double) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Advances the animation by a certain amount of time.
advanceAnimation(double) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Advances the animation by a certain amount of time.
AlternatingUnionFindNode - Class in smithers.util
A modified disjoint-set data structure which also partitions each set into two parts.
AlternatingUnionFindNode() - Constructor for class smithers.util.AlternatingUnionFindNode
Creates a new node in a set of its own.
AnimatedTwistyPuzzle - Interface in smithers.twisty
Extends the TwistyPuzzle interface to include new methods for animatible twisty puzzles.
AnimatingException - Exception in smithers.twisty
AnimatingException() - Constructor for exception smithers.twisty.AnimatingException
AnimatingException(String) - Constructor for exception smithers.twisty.AnimatingException
apply(float[]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Apply this transformation to a vector.
apply(float[][], float[][]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Apply this transformation to an array of vectors.


BltComposite - Class in smithers.extras
Implementation of the Composite interface which provides the 16 standard blting operations.
BltComposite(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Creates a new BltComposite with a given operation.
born(int) - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D.Ruleset
Brainfuck - Class in smithers.extras
Implementer for the brainfuck programming language.
Brainfuck(int, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Brainfuck
Creates a new instance with the program from a file and some of the options changed.
Brainfuck(String) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Brainfuck
Creates a new instance with the program from a file.
BuildingDownByAlternatingColours - Class in smithers.cards
A building rule which allows a card to be placed if it is the opposite colour to, and one rank lower than, the top card.
BuildingDownByAlternatingColours() - Constructor for class smithers.cards.BuildingDownByAlternatingColours
Constructs a new instance of this rule.
BuildingDownByAlternatingColours(boolean) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.BuildingDownByAlternatingColours
Constructs a new instance of this rule.
BuildingRule - Interface in smithers.cards
Implentations of this interface specify rules for building on the stack.
BuildingUpBySuits - Class in smithers.cards
A building rule which allows a card to be placed if it is the same suit as, and one rank higher than, the top card.
BuildingUpBySuits() - Constructor for class smithers.cards.BuildingUpBySuits
Constructs a new instance of this rule.


Calculator - Class in smithers.calculator
A calculator.
Calculator() - Constructor for class smithers.calculator.Calculator
canAddCard(CardStack, Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.AbstractBuildingRule
Determines whether the specified card can be added to the top of the stack.
canAddCard(CardStack, Card) - Method in interface smithers.cards.BuildingRule
Determines whether the specified card can be added to the top of the stack.
canAddCards(CardStack, CardStack) - Method in class smithers.cards.AbstractBuildingRule
Determines whether cards can be moved from one stack to another.
canAddCards(CardStack, CardStack) - Method in interface smithers.cards.BuildingRule
Determines whether cards can be moved from one stack to another.
canAddMultiple - Variable in class smithers.cards.AbstractBuildingRule
Set to true if multiple cards can be added at once.
Card - Class in smithers.cards
Class to store a playing card from a standard 52-card poker or bridge deck.
Card() - Constructor for class smithers.cards.Card
Constructs the Ace of Clubs.
Card(int, char) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.Card
Creates a card with given rank and suit.
Card(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.Card
Creates a card with given rank and suit both specified as int.
Card(char, char) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.Card
Creates a card with given rank and suit both specified as char.
Card(int) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.Card
Creates a card from a single integer in the range 0-51.
CardMoveException - Exception in smithers.cards
Exception to throw when an illegal move is attempted.
CardMoveException() - Constructor for exception smithers.cards.CardMoveException
CardMoveException(String) - Constructor for exception smithers.cards.CardMoveException
CardStack - Class in smithers.cards
Class to store a stack of Card objects.
CardStack() - Constructor for class smithers.cards.CardStack
Constructs an empty stack.
CardStack(int) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.CardStack
Creates a stack of a given number of new cards.
CardStack(Card[]) - Constructor for class smithers.cards.CardStack
Creates a stack from an array of cards.
Cellular - Class in smithers.extras
Class to implement 1-dimensional cellular automata.
Cellular() - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Cellular
Cellular2D - Class in smithers.extras
Cellular2D(Cellular2D.Ruleset, int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
Cellular2D(Cellular2D.Ruleset, boolean[][]) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
Cellular2D.Ruleset - Class in smithers.extras
Cellular2D.Ruleset(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Cellular2D.Ruleset
Cellular2D.Ruleset(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Cellular2D.Ruleset
Cellular2D.Ruleset(Iterable<Integer>, Iterable<Integer>) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Cellular2D.Ruleset
clear() - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
clearState() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
Clears the state of the puzzle.
clearState() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
Clears the state of the puzzle.
clearState() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Clears the state of the puzzle.
COLOUR_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
COLOUR_BORDERS - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
COLOUR_BORDERS - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
COLOUR_CLEAR - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
COLOUR_CLEAR - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
COLOUR_FILLED - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
COLOUR_FILLED - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
COLOUR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
COLOUR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
COLOUR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
compareRank(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Finds the signed difference between the ranks of 2 cards.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
composition(Transformation, Transformation) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Computes the transformation obtained by performing the transformation mat1 after the transformation mat2.
createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel, RenderingHints) - Method in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Creates a context for compositing.
CSVReader - Class in smithers.files
Reads data from a CSV file.
CSVReader(String) - Constructor for class smithers.files.CSVReader
Creates a CSVReader which reads from the specified file.
CSVReader(File) - Constructor for class smithers.files.CSVReader
Creates a CSVReader which reads from the specified file.
CSVWriter - Class in smithers.files
Writes data to a CSV file.
CSVWriter(String) - Constructor for class smithers.files.CSVWriter
Creates a CSVWriter which writes to the specified file.
currentRow() - Method in class smithers.files.CSVReader
Returns the current row of the table.


DAY_NIGHT - Static variable in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
deal(CardStack) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Deals one card into the specified stack.
deal(CardStack, int) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Deals the specified number of cards into the specified stack.
deal(CardStack[]) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Deals all of the cards in this stack into the specified stacks.
deal(CardStack[], int) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Deals the specified number of cards into the specified stacks.
deckLength() - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Returns the number of cards remaining in the deck.
decomposeLQ(float[][], float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Matrix
Computes an LQ decomposition of a matrix.
DEUTSCH - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
difference(float[], float[]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Vector
Computes the difference between two vectors.
distance(float[]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Calculates the shortest distance from this line to the given point.
doTurtle(String, double, double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class smithers.extras.TurtleGraphics
Draws the turtle graphics and saves an svg file.
draw() - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Draws from the deck to the wastepile.
draw(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
draw(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
draw(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleGraphics
Draws the puzzle onto a graphics object.
draw(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
Drawable3D - Class in smithers.java3d
Represents a drawable 3D object.
Drawable3D() - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Sole constructor.
drawOn(Graphics2D, Transformation) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Draws this object.
drawOn(Graphics2D, Transformation) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D.DrawablePolygon
Draws this object.
drawsLeft() - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Returns the remaining number of times the wastepile can be turned over to the deck.


elements - Variable in class smithers.svg.SVG
ENGLISH - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
equals(Object) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Checks if another card is the same as this one.
evolveToString(String, Map<String, String>, int) - Static method in class smithers.extras.Lindenmayer
Creates a Lindenmayer system, evolves it for a number of steps, and outputs as a string.
evolveToTG(String, Map<String, String>, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, String) - Static method in class smithers.extras.Lindenmayer
Creates a Lindenmayer system, evolves it for a number of steps, and outputs using turtle graphics, saving as an SVG file.


faceDownLength(int) - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Returns the number of face down cards in the specified tableau column.
FizzBuzz - Class in smithers.extras
Prints the numbers as said in the game of fizzbuzz, known as bizzbuzz in the US.
FizzBuzz() - Constructor for class smithers.extras.FizzBuzz
flush() - Method in class smithers.files.CSVWriter
Flushes the output stream.
foundationTopCard(int) - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Returns the top card in the specified foundation pile.
FRANCAIS - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
FRENCH - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString


GAME_OF_LIFE - Static variable in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
GERMAN - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
getBase() - Method in class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Get a point on the line.
getCard(int) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Returns a specific card from the list.
getCell(int) - Method in class smithers.files.CSVReader
Returns the specified cell of the current row of the table.
getClue(int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Gets the clue for the specified cell.
getClue(int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Gets the clue for the specified cell.
getCode() - Method in interface smithers.svg.SVGElement
Returns the code used to generate this element in an SVG file.
getCode() - Method in class smithers.svg.SVGElementByCode
Returns the code used to generate this element in an SVG file.
getColor() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the colour of this card.
getColor(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the colour of the specified sticker.
getColor(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Gets the colour of the specified sticker.
getColor(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Gets the colour of the specified sticker.
getColor(int) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Gets the colour of the specified sticker.
getColour() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the colour of this card.
getColourCount() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the number of colours.
getColours() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the colour array.
getColumnClue(int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the clue for the specified column.
getColumnColour(int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the colour information for the clue for the specified column.
getFactor(float[]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
getFlip(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
getHead() - Method in class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Get another point on this line.
getHeight() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the height of the puzzle.
getHeight() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Gets the height of the puzzle.
getHeight() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Gets the height of the puzzle.
getHorizontalState(int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Gets the state of the specified horizontal wall.
getLanguage() - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Gets the language of this NumberString.
getLastChange() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Returns the location of the last change.
getLastChange() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
Finds the last change that was made to the puzzle.
getLastWasRow() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Returns whether or not the last change was a row.
getLength() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Returns the number of cards in the list.
getLocation(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the location of a sticker.
getLocation(int) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.StickerSwappingTwistyPuzzle
Gets the index of the sticker which originated in the current location of the specified sticker.
getPolygon(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the 3-d polygon associated with the specified sticker.
getPolygon(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Gets the 3-d polygon associated with the specified sticker.
getPolygon(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Gets the 3-d polygon associated with the specified sticker.
getPolygon(int) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Gets the 3-d polygon associated with the specified sticker.
getPuzzle() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Returns the puzzle which is being solved.
getPuzzle() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
getPuzzle() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
getPuzzle() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
getPuzzle() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleSolver
Returns the puzzle which is being solved.
getPuzzle() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleState
Returns the puzzle which this is a state of.
getPuzzle() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
getRank() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the rank of this card.
getRankAsChar() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the rank of this card as a char.
getRankAsInt() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the rank of this card as an int.
getRankAsString() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the rank of this card as a String.
getRotation(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the rotation of a sticker.
getRowClue(int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the clue for the specified row.
getRowColour(int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the colour information for the clue for the specified row.
getRules() - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
getScale() - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Gets the scale of this NumberString.
getScale() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Returns the absolute scale of the 3-d model of the puzzle.
getScale() - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Returns the absolute scale of the 3-d model of the puzzle.
getScale() - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Returns the absolute scale of the 3-d model of the puzzle.
getScale() - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Returns the absolute scale of the 3-d model of the puzzle.
getShape() - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Returns the 3-d polygon which this object fills up.
getState() - Method in class smithers.extras.Lindenmayer
Gets the current state.
getState() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Returns the state of the solution attempt.
getState() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
getState(int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
Gets the state of a specificate pixel.
getState(int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
Gets the state of the specified cell.
getState() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleSolver
Returns the state of the solution attempt.
getSticker(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the index of the sticker in a specific location.
getSticker(int) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.StickerSwappingTwistyPuzzle
Gets the index of the sticker currently in the specified location.
getStickerRotation(int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the rotation of the sticker in a location.
getSuit() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the suit of this card.
getSuitAsChar() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the suit of this card as a char.
getSuitAsInt() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the suit of this card as an int.
getSuitAsString() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Gets the suit of this card as a String.
getTurn(int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
getTwist(int, int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the twist instance defined by the parameters.
getTwist(int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the twist instance determined by the sticker clicked on, and the directon to twist.
getTwist(int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Gets the twist instance determined by the sticker clicked on, and the directon to twist.
getTwist(int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Gets the twist instance determined by the sticker clicked on, and the directon to twist.
getTwist(int, int) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Gets the twist instance determined by the sticker clicked on, and the directon to twist.
getTwists(String, P) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.PuzzleNotation
Gets the sequence of twists determined by the description.
getTwists(String, RubiksCube) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SingmasterNotation
Gets the sequence of twists determined by the description.
getTwists(String, SquareOne) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOneNotation
Gets the sequence of twists determined by the description.
getVector() - Method in class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Get the direction in which the line points.
getVerticalState(int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Gets the state of the specified vertical wall.
getWidth() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets the width of the puzzle.
getWidth() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Gets the width of the puzzle.
getWidth() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Gets the width of the puzzle.
goesInSpace(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.AbstractBuildingRule
Determines whether the specified card can be placed in an empty space.
goesInSpace(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.BuildingDownByAlternatingColours
Determines whether the specified card can be placed in an empty space.
goesInSpace(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.BuildingUpBySuits
Determines whether the specified card can be placed in an empty space.
goesOn(Card, Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.AbstractBuildingRule
Determines whether card c2 can be placed on top of card c1.
goesOn(Card, Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.BuildingDownByAlternatingColours
Determines whether card c2 can be placed on top of card c1.
goesOn(Card, Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.BuildingUpBySuits
Determines whether card c2 can be placed on top of card c1.
gridString() - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D


Hanjie - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Class to store a hanjie puzzle.
Hanjie(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Constructs a new black and white puzzle of the specified size.
Hanjie(int, int, Color[]) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Constructs a new colour puzzle of the specified size.
Hanjie(int[][], int[][]) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Constructs a new black and white puzzle from a grid of clues.
Hanjie(int[][], int[][], int[][], int[][], Color[]) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Constructs a new colour puzzle from a grid of clues.
HanjieBuilder - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Creates hanjie puzzles from image files.
HanjieGraphics - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
HanjieGraphics(HanjieState) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
HanjieGraphics(HanjieSolver) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
HanjieSolver - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Class containing a solver for hanjie puzzles.
HanjieSolver(Hanjie) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Constructs a new solver for the given puzzle.
HanjieSolver(HanjieState) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Constructs a new solver to work from a given state.
HanjieState - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Class to store the state of a hanjie puzzle.
HanjieState(Hanjie) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
Constructs new solver for the specified puzzle.
hasColour() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Gets whether or not this puzzle has colour.
HIGHLIFE - Static variable in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D


Image3D - Class in smithers.java3d
Represents a recangular image arbitrarily suspended in 3-dimensional space.
Image3D(BufferedImage, float[], float[], float[]) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Image3D
Image3D(BufferedImage, float[], float[], float[], Polygon3D) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Image3D
ImageTool - Class in smithers.extras
Class to perform operations on images.
ImmutablePuzzleException - Exception in smithers.logicpuzzles
Exception to be thrown when a method call attempts to modify a puzzle created by Puzzle.makeImmutableCopy().
ImmutablePuzzleException() - Constructor for exception smithers.logicpuzzles.ImmutablePuzzleException
intersectPlane(float[], float[]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Calculates the point of intersection of this line with a plane.
invert(float[]) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
isAnimating() - Method in interface smithers.twisty.AnimatedTwistyPuzzle
Returns true iff the puzzle is partway through a twist.
isAnimating() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Returns true iff the puzzle is partway through a twist.
isAnimating() - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Returns true iff the puzzle is partway through a twist.
isMutable() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
isMutable() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
isMutable() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.Puzzle
Checks whether this puzzle can be modified.
isMutable() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
isSolved() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
isSolved() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
isSolved() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleState
Determines whether or not the puzzle has been completely solved.
isSolved() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
isSolved() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Works out whether this puzzle is in the solved state.
isSolved() - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Works out whether this puzzle is in the solved state.
isSolved() - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Works out whether this puzzle is in the solved state.
isSolved() - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Works out whether this puzzle is in the solved state.
isSolvedAligned() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Determines whether the puzzle is solved, including checking the orientation of each sticker.


JTron - Class in smithers.games
A light-cycles game commonly associated with the film 'Tron'.
JTron(int, int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.games.JTron


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
Klondike - Class in smithers.cards
Represents a game of Klondike, also known as Canfield in the UK.
Klondike() - Constructor for class smithers.cards.Klondike
Creates a new game of Klondike.


launch(Component, String, int, int) - Static method in class smithers.util.Launcher
Adds an event to launch a new window containing the specified component.
Launcher - Class in smithers.util
Convenience class to launch AWT or Swing components from the AWT event dispatching thread.
Lindenmayer - Class in smithers.extras
Implements Lindenmayer systems and displays output with turtle graphics.
Lindenmayer(String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.Lindenmayer
Creates a new Lindenmayer system.
Line3D - Class in smithers.java3d
Represents a line in 3-dimensional space.
Line3D() - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Constructs the x-axis.
Line3D(float, float, float) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Constructs a line through the origin in the given direction.
Line3D(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Constructs a line through the given point in the given direction.
Line3D(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Line3D
Constructs a line through the given point in the given direction.
load(File) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Loads a hanjie puzzle from a file.
load(File) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Loads a puzzle from a file.
load(File) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Loads a puzzle from a file.
LONG_SCALE_MILLIARD - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
The long scale.
LONG_SCALE_NO_MILLIARD - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
The long scale.
longFromDigits(String) - Static method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a string of digits into a long value.
longFromWords(String) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a string of words into a long value.


main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.calculator.Calculator
Runs the calculator program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.cards.TerminalKlondike
Plays a game of Klondike.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.Brainfuck
Main method, evaluates the arguments and runs the program in the specified file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.Cellular
Runs the automaton.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.FizzBuzz
Plays fizzbuzz.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.ImageTool
Main method, run with no arguments and type 'help' for commands.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.Lindenmayer
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
For testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.extras.NumberStringTest
Runs the test.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.games.JTron
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieBuilder
Creates a new hanjie puzzle based on an image file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicMaker
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
main(String[]) - Static method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
makeImmutableCopy() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
makeImmutableCopy() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
makeImmutableCopy() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.Puzzle
Creates a copy of this puzzle which cannot be modified further.
makeImmutableCopy() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
makeState(P) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Makes a new state for the specified puzzle.
makeState(Mosaic) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
makeState(Slitherlink) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkSolver
Matrix - Class in smithers.algorithms
Implements a collection of useful matrix related algorithms.
Mosaic - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Represents a mosaic puzzle.
Mosaic(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Constructs a blank puzzle of the specified size.
Mosaic(int[][]) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Constructs a puzzle from a grid of clues.
MosaicGraphics - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
MosaicGraphics(MosaicState) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
MosaicGraphics(MosaicSolver) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
MosaicMaker - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Makes mosaic puzzles from images.
MosaicSolver - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Solves mosaic puzzles.
MosaicSolver(Mosaic) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
Creates a new solver for the specified puzzle.
MosaicSolver(MosaicState) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
Creates a new solver to work from the specified state.
MosaicSolver(Mosaic, boolean) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
Creates a new solver for the specified puzzle.
MosaicSolver(MosaicState, boolean) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
Creates a new solver to work from the specified state.
MosaicState - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Represents a state of a mosaic puzzle.
MosaicState(Mosaic) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
Constructs a state for the specified puzzle.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieGraphics
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicGraphics
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
move(CardStack, int) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Moves the specified number of cards into the specified stack.
move(int, int) - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Attempts to move cards from one location to another.


newGame() - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
nextLine() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Advances to the next line (row/column).
nextRow() - Method in class smithers.files.CSVReader
Reads the next table row from the file.
nextStep() - Method in class smithers.extras.Lindenmayer
Performs one step of the evolution.
nextStep() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Advances to the next step of solving the puzzle.
nextStep() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
nextStep() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkSolver
normalise(float[]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Vector
Normalises a vector.
NumberString - Class in smithers.extras
Provides a series of methods for converting between numeric values, and Strings.
NumberString() - Constructor for class smithers.extras.NumberString
Constructs a new NumberString object with the default properties.
NumberString(String) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.NumberString
Constructs a new NumberString object with properties derived from a specified language.
NumberString(String, int) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.NumberString
Constructs a new NumberString object with the specified properties.
NumberStringTest - Class in smithers.extras
Swing-based test harness for the NumberString class.
numColumns() - Method in class smithers.files.CSVReader
Returns the number of columns in the current row of the table.


OP_AND - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for src & dst.
OP_AND_NOT - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for src & ~dst.
OP_CLEAR - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for 0 (clear).
OP_COPY - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for src.
OP_EQUIV - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~(src ^ dst).
OP_NAND - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~(src & dst).
OP_NOOP - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for dst.
OP_NOR - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~(src | dst).
OP_NOT - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~dst.
OP_NOT_AND - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~src & dst.
OP_NOT_COPY - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~src.
OP_NOT_OR - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for ~src | dst.
OP_OR - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for src | dst.
OP_OR_NOT - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for src | ~dst.
OP_SET - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for 1 (set).
OP_XOR - Static variable in class smithers.extras.BltComposite
Operation constant for src ^ dst.


paint(Graphics2D, Transformation) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Image3D
paint(Graphics) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
paint(Graphics) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleComponent
Panel3D - Class in smithers.java3d
Class which draws a 3D object on an AWT Canvas.
Panel3D(float) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
Creates a new Panel3D object with the specified size.
Panel3D.DrawablePolygon - Class in smithers.java3d
A simple drawable object which draws and fills a Polygon3D.
Panel3D.DrawablePolygon(Polygon3D, Color, Color) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Panel3D.DrawablePolygon
Creates a new DrawablePolygon with the specified polygon and draw and fill colours.
parse(String) - Method in class smithers.calculator.Calculator
Parses the given expression.
pass() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Performs a single pass through the puzzle.
pass() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Performs a single pass through either the rows or columns.
pass() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleSolver
Performs a single pass through the puzzle.
perspective(int) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Creates a perspective transformation.
points() - Method in class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Returns the array of points which make up this polygon.
poly - Variable in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
The 3-d polygon which this object fills up.
Polygon3D - Class in smithers.java3d
Represents a polygon in 3D space.
Polygon3D() - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Constructs a new, empty Polygon3D.
Polygon3D(int) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Constructs a new, empty Polygon3D.
Polygon3D(float[]...) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Constructs a new Polygon3D from the specified points.
postamble - Variable in class smithers.svg.SVG
postCompose(Transformation) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Appends the given operation onto this one.
preamble - Variable in class smithers.svg.SVG
preCompose(Transformation) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Prepends the given operation onto this one.
processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
processMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
product(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Matrix
Multiplies two matrices together.
product(float[][], float[]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Matrix
Multiplies a matrix by a column vector.
product(float[], float[][]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Matrix
Multiplies a row vector by a matrix.
puzzle - Variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Puzzle - Interface in smithers.logicpuzzles
Interface representing a logic puzzle.
PuzzleComponent - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
A Component backed by a logic puzzle.
PuzzleComponent(PuzzleGraphics) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleComponent
Create a new PuzzleComponent which will use the specified PuzzleGraphics to draw on it.
PuzzleFormatException - Exception in smithers.logicpuzzles
Exception to be thrown when a puzzle input file does not match the required format.
PuzzleFormatException(String, int) - Constructor for exception smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleFormatException
PuzzleGraphics - Interface in smithers.logicpuzzles
Interface for graphical representations of logic puzzles.
PuzzleNotation<P extends TwistyPuzzle> - Interface in smithers.twisty
Represents a notation for describing sequences of twists in twisty puzzle such as Singmaster Notation for the Rubik's Cube.
PuzzleSolver<P extends Puzzle,Q extends PuzzleState<P>> - Interface in smithers.logicpuzzles
Interface representing a solver for a certain type of logic puzzle.
PuzzleState<P extends Puzzle> - Interface in smithers.logicpuzzles
Interface representing a "state" of a logic puzzle - that is, some stage along an attempt at solving it.


randomise(double) - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
RANKS - Static variable in class smithers.cards.Card
remove(Drawable3D) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
removeCard() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Removes a card from the top of the stack.
removeMouesWheelListener(MouseWheelListener) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Removes the specified listener from receiving mouse wheel events from this component.
removeMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Removes the specified listener from receiving mouse events from this component.
removeMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Drawable3D
Removes the specified listener from receiving mouse motion events from this component.
repaint() - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
reset() - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
reset() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Resets the cube.
rotateView(float, float, float) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
rotation(int, int, int, float) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Creates a rotation transformation.
rotation2D(float) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
rotation3DFromIntrinsicXYZ(float, float, float) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
rotation3DFromIntrinsicZXZ(float, float, float) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
rowReduce(float[][]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Matrix
Row reduce a matrix in-place.
RubiksCube - Class in smithers.twisty
Represents a Rubik's Cube, or similar larger/smaller twisty cube puzzle.
RubiksCube() - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Constructs a new 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube.
RubiksCube(int) - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Constructs a new cube with a given side length.
run() - Method in class smithers.extras.Brainfuck
Runs the program until it finishes.
run() - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
run() - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer


sameColor(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Checks if another Card is the same colour as this one.
sameColour(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Checks if another Card is the same colour as this one.
samePart(AlternatingUnionFindNode) - Method in class smithers.util.AlternatingUnionFindNode
Tests whether this node and the given node are in the same part of a set.
sameRank(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Checks if another Card has the same rank as this one.
sameSet(AlternatingUnionFindNode) - Method in class smithers.util.AlternatingUnionFindNode
Tests whether this node and the given node are in the same set.
sameSet(UnionFindNode) - Method in class smithers.util.UnionFindNode
Tests whether this node and the given node are in the same set.
sameSuit(Card) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Checks if another Card has the same suit as this one.
save(File) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Saves the puzzle to a file.
save(File) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Saves the puzzle to a file.
save(File) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Saves the puzzle to a file.
scalarProduct(float[], float[]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Vector
Computes the scalar product of two vectors.
scale(float) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Scales the polygon by the given factor.
scale(int, float) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
scramble() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Scrambles the cube.
scramble() - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Scrambles the puzzle.
scramble() - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Scrambles the puzzle.
scramble() - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Scrambles the puzzle.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D
setClue(int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Sets the clue for the specified cell.
setClue(int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Sets the clue for the specified cell.
setHorizontalState(int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Adds or removes a horizontal wall.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Sets the language of this NumberString.
setOptions(String) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Sets the all the options of this NumberString based on a language.
setScale(int) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Sets the scale of this NumberString.
setSeed(long) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Sets the random seed used for shuffling this stack.
setState(int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
Adds to the attempt at solving the puzzle.
setState(int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
Adds to the attempt at solving the puzzle.
setVerticalState(int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Adds or removes a vertical wall.
SHORT_SCALE - Static variable in class smithers.extras.NumberString
The short scale.
shuffle() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Shuffles this stack of cards.
side() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the side length.
side(int, int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Looks at one of the faces next to face top as if it is forwards and face top is on top, and gives the index of the sticker in position (x,y).
SingmasterNotation - Class in smithers.twisty
Represents the Singmaster Notation for the Rubik's Cube.
SingmasterNotation() - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.SingmasterNotation
Slitherlink - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Represents a slitherlink puzzle.
Slitherlink(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Constructs a blank puzzle of the specified size.
Slitherlink(int[][]) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Constructs a puzzle from a grid of clues.
SlitherlinkGraphics - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
SlitherlinkGraphics(SlitherlinkState) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
SlitherlinkGraphics(SlitherlinkSolver) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkGraphics
SlitherlinkSolver - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Solver for slitherlink puzzles.
SlitherlinkSolver(Slitherlink) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkSolver
Creates a new solver for the specified puzzle.
SlitherlinkSolver(SlitherlinkState) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkSolver
Creates a new solver to work from the specified state.
SlitherlinkState - Class in smithers.logicpuzzles
Represents a state of a slitherlink puzzle.
SlitherlinkState(Slitherlink) - Constructor for class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Constructs a state for the specified puzzle.
smithers.algorithms - package smithers.algorithms
smithers.calculator - package smithers.calculator
smithers.cards - package smithers.cards
smithers.extras - package smithers.extras
smithers.files - package smithers.files
smithers.games - package smithers.games
smithers.java3d - package smithers.java3d
Provides classes and interfaces for basic 3-dimensional shapes and processing.
smithers.logicpuzzles - package smithers.logicpuzzles
smithers.svg - package smithers.svg
smithers.twisty - package smithers.twisty
smithers.util - package smithers.util
Snake - Class in smithers.twisty
Represents a Rubik's Snake.
Snake() - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.Snake
Creates a Rubik's Snake with 24 pieces.
Snake(int) - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.Snake
Creates a Rubik's Snake-like puzzle with the specified number of pieces.
solve() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Attempts to completely solve the puzzle.
solve() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
solve() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleSolver
Attempts to completely solve the puzzle.
solveLine() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
Solves the current line (row/column) as much as possible.
solveStep() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Attempts to solve the current step of the puzzle.
solveStep() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
Solves the current clue as much as possible.
solveStep() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkSolver
sort() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Sorts this stack by suit then rank using quicksort with aces low.
sort(boolean) - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Sorts this stack by suit then rank using quicksort, optionally ranking aces as high or low.
SquareOne - Class in smithers.twisty
Represents the twisty puzzle Square One/Cube 21.
SquareOne() - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Constructs a new Square One puzzle.
SquareOneNotation - Class in smithers.twisty
A notation for the Square One puzzle.
SquareOneNotation() - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.SquareOneNotation
start() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
start() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicSolver
start() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleSolver
Restarts the solving process.
start() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkSolver
start() - Method in class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
state - Variable in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
step() - Method in class smithers.extras.Brainfuck
Executes a single step.
step() - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D
step() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.AbstractPuzzleSolver
Performs a single step in the solving process.
step() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieSolver
step() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleSolver
Performs a single step in the solving process.
stickerCount() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Gets the number of stickers on the puzzle.
stickerCount() - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Gets the number of stickers on the puzzle.
stickerCount() - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Gets the number of stickers on the puzzle.
stickerCount() - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Gets the number of stickers on the puzzle.
StickerSwappingTwistyPuzzle - Interface in smithers.twisty
Extends the TwistyPuzzle interface to include new methods for twisty puzzles for which a twist simply swaps stickers around.
SUITS - Static variable in class smithers.cards.Card
sum(float[]...) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Vector
Computes the sum of vectors.
survives(int) - Method in class smithers.extras.Cellular2D.Ruleset
SVG - Class in smithers.svg
Represents a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image.
SVG(String, String) - Constructor for class smithers.svg.SVG
Creates a new SVG image.
SVGElement - Interface in smithers.svg
Represents an element of a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image.
SVGElementByCode - Class in smithers.svg
Represents an element of a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image purely by the code which generates it.
SVGElementByCode(String) - Constructor for class smithers.svg.SVGElementByCode
Creates a new SVGElementByCode from the code.
SVGElementByCode(SVGElement) - Constructor for class smithers.svg.SVGElementByCode
Creates a new SVGElementByCode from an existing SVGElement


tableauCards(int) - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Returns an array of the cards in the specified tableau column.
TerminalKlondike - Class in smithers.cards
Plays Klondike in a text terminal.
toArray() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Returns an array containing all the cards in this stack.
toDigits(long) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a long value into a string of digits.
toDigits(double) - Static method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a double value into a string of digits.
toInt() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Produces an integer representation of the card based on suit then rank.
toInt(boolean) - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Produces an integer representation of the card based on suit then rank.
topCard() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Returns the top card in the stack.
toRomanNumerals(long) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a long value into a string of roman numerals.
toString() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Produces a 2 character String representing this card.
toString() - Method in class smithers.cards.CardStack
Returns a String representation of the entire stack.
toString() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie
Generates a String representing the puzzle's clues.
toString() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieState
Generates a String representing the current situation of the puzzle.
toString() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic
Generates a String representing the puzzle's clues.
toString() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicState
Generates a String representing the current situation of the puzzle.
toString() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.Puzzle
Generates a String representing the puzzle.
toString() - Method in interface smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleState
Generates a String representing the current state of the puzzle.
toString() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.Slitherlink
Generates a String representing the puzzle's clues.
toString() - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.SlitherlinkState
Generates a String representing the current situation of the puzzle.
toString() - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Returns a String representation of this cube.
toStringFull() - Method in class smithers.cards.Card
Produces a String representation of this card.
toWords(long) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a long value into a string of words.
toWords(long, String) - Static method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a long value into a string of words using the specified language.
toWords(long, String, int) - Static method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a long value into a string of words using the specified language and scale.
toWords(double) - Method in class smithers.extras.NumberString
Converts a double value into a string of words.
Transformation - Class in smithers.java3d
Represents a transformation between two real vector spaces.
Transformation(int, int) - Constructor for class smithers.java3d.Transformation
Constructs a new matrix representing an identity/projection/inclusion.
translation(float...) - Static method in class smithers.java3d.Transformation
tripleProduct(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Vector
Calculates the scalar triple product of 3 vectors.
TurtleGraphics - Class in smithers.extras
Draws simple vector graphics using a 'turtle' and saves to an SVG file.
TurtleGraphics(double, double) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.TurtleGraphics
Creates a new turtle with the specified angle and distance and the default command characters.
TurtleGraphics(double, double, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char) - Constructor for class smithers.extras.TurtleGraphics
Creates a new turtle according to specified options.
twist(Twist, double) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.AnimatedTwistyPuzzle
Twists the puzzle over a specified amount of time.
twist(Twist) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Applies a twist.
twist(Twist, double) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Twists the puzzle over a specified amount of time.
twist(int, int, int, int) - Method in class smithers.twisty.RubiksCube
Twists face face of the cube from layer d1 (inclusive) to layer d2 (exclusive).
twist(Twist) - Method in class smithers.twisty.Snake
Applies a twist.
twist(Twist) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Applies a twist.
twist(Twist, double) - Method in class smithers.twisty.SquareOne
Twists the puzzle over a specified amount of time.
Twist - Class in smithers.twisty
Represents a twist of a puzzle.
Twist() - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.Twist
twist(Twist) - Method in interface smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzle
Applies a twist.
TwistyPuzzle - Interface in smithers.twisty
Represents a twisty puzzle such as a Rubik's Cube.
TwistyPuzzleViewer - Class in smithers.twisty
Displays a TwistyPuzzle and allows the user to manipulate it.
TwistyPuzzleViewer(TwistyPuzzle) - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
Constructs a new TwistyPuzzleViewer with the specified puzzle.
TwistyPuzzleViewer(AnimatedTwistyPuzzle, double) - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
Constructs a new TwistyPuzzleViewer with an animated puzzle.
TwistyPuzzleViewer(RubiksCube, double, String, boolean) - Constructor for class smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer
Constructs a new TwistyPuzzleViewer with a Rubik's cube.


union(AlternatingUnionFindNode, boolean) - Method in class smithers.util.AlternatingUnionFindNode
Merges the set containing this node and the set containing the given node.
union(UnionFindNode) - Method in class smithers.util.UnionFindNode
Merges the set containing this node and the set containing the given node.
UnionFindNode - Class in smithers.util
Implementation of a disjoint-set data structure and union-find algorithm.
UnionFindNode() - Constructor for class smithers.util.UnionFindNode
Creates a new node in a set of its own.
update(Graphics) - Method in class smithers.games.JTron
update(Graphics) - Method in class smithers.java3d.Panel3D


Vector - Class in smithers.algorithms
Implements a collection of useful vector related algorithms.
vectorProduct(float[], float[]) - Static method in class smithers.algorithms.Vector
Computes the vector product of two vectors.
vertexCentroid() - Method in class smithers.java3d.Polygon3D
Computes the "centre" of this polygon.
visibleWaste() - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Returns an array of the visible cards in the wastepile.


won() - Method in class smithers.cards.Klondike
Checks if the game has been won.
write(File) - Method in class smithers.svg.SVG
Writes this SVG image to a file.
writeImage(Dimension, File) - Method in class smithers.logicpuzzles.PuzzleComponent
Writes an image containing the clues and state of the puzzle.
writeRow() - Method in class smithers.files.CSVWriter
Outputs the current row.