I have written a sizeable quantity of Java code. The source code, object code and documentation are available below. I have built this code using Java SE 6; it should build and run successfully with Java SE 6 or higher. Some or all of it may also build and/or run under older versions. All of the code featured is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. This mainly means that you are free to use the software any way you wish, as well as to share and modify the code, as long as any copies or derived works that you share are licensed under the same terms and you must also share the full source code.
- Source code:
- Download (tar.gz)
- Object (executable) code:
- Download (jar)
- Documentation:
- Download (tar.gz)
View online - Complete download:
- Download (tar.gz)
- Twisty puzzles collection:
- Download (executable jar)

All of this software was written for my own amusement. It is made available here in the hope that someone else might find it useful, fun or interesting. It is provided with NO WARRANTY and NO SUPPORT. Some of the functionalilty may be broken and I accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damage thereby caused. Please see the appropriate sections of the GPL for details.
That being said, if you DO find any bugs in this code, I would like to know! Please send any bug reports to
, including as much information as possible about
- what you did
- what happened and
- what you expected to happen.
Most of this software was originally written during, and in the six months after, my time as a student at Warwick University (2006-2010). As I now have a full time job, I don't have much time to update this any more. Hence updates and fixes may be extremely sparse.
Running the programs
If you know how to run programs from .jar files, you can skip this paragraph, if not, here's one way to do it. Make sure you have installed the Java Runtime Environment; you can get this from Download the object code file (smithers.jar) and open a terminal/console/command prompt to the correct directory. Then type java -cp smithers.jar package_name.program_name arguments
. Here package_name
is the name of the package (e.g. smithers.twisty), program_name
is the name of the program (e.g. TwistyPuzzleViewer) and arguments
is the arguments to the program (e.g. -r5 -a2).
Alternatively, some programs are also available as executable jar files. These contain all of the required classes for a specific program and can be run with a command like java -jar jar_file arguments
. The arguments here are the same as the arguments to the jar file's default class. Programs available in this form are:
Twisty puzzles. Jar file: puzzles.jar, default class: smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer.
List of packages
This is the list of all the packages included, as well as the programs contained within them. All of the programs provide some level of help when run with the option "-h" or "--help". As a reference, this output is reproduced here.
smithers.calculator.Calculator -- simple calculator utility. Usage: java smithers.calculator.Calculator [options...] [expressions...] If expressions are given, evaluate them and exit, otherwise evaluate expressions from standard input until a blank line is given. Options: -h --help Print this help and exit. Supported syntax and functions to follow...
TerminalKlondike -- play Klondike in a terminal. Usage: java [-h|--help] If -h or --help is given, print this help and exit, otherwise play a game of solitare. Commands: d Draw cards (3 at a time) from the deck. nm (where n and m are digits from 0 to 7) Move a card or cards from the postion n to position m. Positions 1-7 are the piles in the tableau from left to right. n=0 means move from the wastepile. m=0 means move to the foundations. q Quit the game.
smithers.extras.Brainfuck -- brainfuck interpreter.
smithers.extras.Cellular -- simulates 1-dimensional cellular automata. Usage: java smithers.extras.Cellular rule width steps
smithers.extras.Cellular2D -- simulates 2-dimensional cellular automata.
smithers.extras.FizzBuzz -- plays the game of fizzbuzz.
smithers.extras.ImageTool -- performs operations on images. Usage: java smithers.extras.ImageTool [-h|--help] If -h or --help is given, print this help and exit. Otherwise interpret commands sequentially. At the program's prompt, type `help' to list commands, and `help command' for help on a specific command
smithers.extras.NumberString -- converts numbers to and from strings. Usage: java smithers.extras.NumberString [options...] Creates a number and attempts to output it as digits and words. Options: -n n Sets the number to the integer n. -d d Sets the number to the real value d. -p s Sets the number to the integer obtained by parsing the string s. Currently only valid if the language is English. -nr Sets the number to a random integer. -dr Sets the number to a random real value. -en Sets the language to English. -fr Sets the language to French/Francais. -de Sets the language to German/Deutsch. -s Sets the scale to the short scale. -l Sets the scale to the long scale (no milliard). -m Sets the scale to the long scale with milliard. -h --help Print this help and exit.
smithers.extras.NumberStringTest -- graphical test program for NumberString.
No programs
JTron -- light cycles game. Usage: java [options...] Options: -p n Set the number of players to n. -s n Set the grid size to n. -t n Set the speed to 1 frame per n milliseconds. -h --help Display this help message and exit. In-game controls: Player 1 (Red): W/A/S/D Player 2 (Blue): Cursor Up/Left/Down/Right Player 3 (Green): I/J/K/L Player 4 (Yellow): T/F/G/H Have Fun!
No programs
smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie -- Graphical solver of hanjie puzzles. Usage: java smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie -h|--help java smithers.logicpuzzles.Hanjie puzzle If -h or --help is given, display this help and exit. Otherwise puzzle must be the path to a hanjie puzzle file (in the format output by smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieBuilder). In this case, the puzzle is displayed on the screen. Click outside the puzzle to solve it; left-click to advance one step, middle-click to advance one pass or right-click to solve as completely as possible.
smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieBuilder -- Creates hanjie puzzles from images. Usage: java smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieBuilder -h|--help java smithers.logicpuzzles.HanjieBuilder image If -h or --help is given, display this help and exit. Otherwise image must be the path to an image from which to create a hanjie puzzle. The puzzle will be printed to standard output. The image should be of the same size as the puzzle to be produced, and can contain up to 26 colours, plus white which is used as the blank colour.
smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic -- Graphical solver of mosaic puzzles. Usage: java smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic -h|--help java smithers.logicpuzzles.Mosaic puzzle If -h or --help is given, display this help and exit. Otherwise puzzle must be the path to a mosaic puzzle file (in the format output by smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicMaker). In this case, the puzzle is displayed on the screen. Click outside the puzzle to solve it; left-click to advance one step, middle-click to advance one pass or right-click to solve as completely as possible.
smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicMaker -- Creates mosaic puzzles from images. Usage: java smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicMaker -h|--help java smithers.logicpuzzles.MosaicMaker image If -h or --help is given, display this help and exit. Otherwise image must be the path to an image from which to create a mosaic puzzle. The puzzle will be printed to standard output. The image should be of the same size as the puzzle to be produced, and all non-white pixels are treated as black.
No programs
Requires smithers.java3d
smithers.twisty.TwistyPuzzleViewer -- Rubik's Cubes and similar puzzles. Options: -r[s] Set puzzle to Rubik's Cube with side length s (default is 3). -s Set puzzle to Square One / Cube21. --snake Set puzzle to Rubik's Snake. -a[t] Turn animation on (with time t) or off (-a) (does not apply to Rubik's Snake). -d --demo Run in demonstration mode (Rubik's Cube only). -i fName Get the face images from the image file fName (Rubik's Cube only). -h --help Display this help message and exit.
No programs