Qualification Round 2020: rank 10277 with score 42. See submissions
Task | Language | Cases |
Parenting Partnering Returns | Java | 2 |
Nesting Depth | Java | 2 |
Vestigium | Java | 1 |
Round 1A 2020: rank 7464 with score 8. See submissions
Task | Language | Cases |
Pattern Matching | Python 3 | 1 |
Pattern Matching | Python 3 | 1 |
Pascal Walk | Python 3 | 1 |
Pattern Matching | Python 3 | 1 |
Round 1B 2020: rank 6539 with score 0. See submissions
Task | Language | Cases |
Round 1C 2020: rank 6765 with score 22. See submissions
Task | Language | Cases |
Overexcited Fan | Python 3 | 3 |
GCJ Stats > GCJ 2020 > Thomashuynh