GCJ 2020 solutions by namlt

Qualification Round 2020: rank 350 with score 84. See submissions

ESAb ATAdPython 32
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
ESAb ATAdPython 31
IndiciumPython 32
Parenting Partnering ReturnsPython 32
Nesting DepthPython 32
VestigiumPython 31

Round 1A 2020: rank 750 with score 72. See submissions

Square DancePython 31
Pascal WalkPython 33
Pattern MatchingPython 33

Round 2 2020: rank 1414 with score 28. See submissions

Security UpdatePython 31
Incremental House of PancakesPython 32

GCJ Stats > GCJ 2020 > namlt